“ Trends in Biological sciences – New fields of focus” was conducted in Maris Stella College auditorium on
21.01.2020 by Department of Biotechnology with Resource person Dr.Rajkumar Vutukuri Ph.D, PDF Department of
Neurology and NeuroSurgery Frankfurt University,Germany. 150
students had attended the session and the session included about bottlenecks to
discover medicines and overcome Blood
brain barriers, Hot research areas,
universities offering integrated Ph.D’s , various job opputunities in India,
Prestigious scholarships in India, How to strengthen one’s C.V ,more areas of opportunities for Science Graduates
and Scholarships, opportunities and advantages of German education.
Industrial Tour To Pondicherry
09-01-2020- Bio-Genomics
is a leading manufacturer of Recombinant
therapeutics like Human Insulin, insulin lispro, insulin aspartate and anti
cancer drug like Flagestrin. Students were allowed to visit the Quality
control Department and Production department which constitutes both Upstream
and Downstream Processing of Products.

10-01-2020- Refsyn Biosciences a manufacturer
of drug metabolites, provided the students with Hands on training on various bioanalytical
instruments related to phytochemistry, foodchemistry, Pharma, Microbiology and
Molecular Biology and Career guidance.
Awareness Programmes
Awareness programme was organized for the Faculty on “Body Postures for Teachers to Avoid Stress” by Dr. K Santosh Krishna MS, MCh (Ortho), Dr. K. Pawan Kumar D (Ortho), DNB (Ortho), Best Hospitals, Vijayawada on 09-09-19 at 2:00- 3:00 PM in the College auditorium.
Awareness programme for the Students on “ Oral Hygiene” By Dr. Ratna Deepika MDS (Maxillofacial Surgeon) at 3:00PM in the college auditorium.
Awareness Programme for the students on “Basic Life
Support” By Lt. Col. Dr. Y. Ashok, Consultant Anasthesiologist, Ramesh
Hospitals, Dr. Vasundara, Gynaecologist, Ramesh Hospitals, Vijayawada at 3:30PM
in the college auditorium.
Medical Camp for students
Organized the medical
camp for the college students “ Medical camp for the students- Because your
Life Matters” on 09-09-19 in
Collaboration with Best Hospitals, Sky Eye Health Foundation, Kolors, Sunrise
Hospitals. 300 students were make avail the investigations like eye and Dental
check up, BMI, BMD and consulted Ortho and General Physicians. Consultants
presented are Dr. K. Santosh Krishna Ms, Mch (Ortho), Dr. K. Pavan Kumar D
(Ortho), DNB (ortho), Dr. T. Harinath, MD Genral Physician, Dr. S. Ratna Deepika
MDS (Oral & Faciomaxial Surgeon) Dr. Apoorva Seshagiri , BDS, Dr. Sujith Kumar
Dasari , BHMS

Department fest
Bioscintillare 2k19 (It's Time To Inspire), one day State level fest Organized on 04-04-19

Medical camp for all the faculty of Maris Stella College on 30-08-19, in collaboration with BEST Hospitals, Vijayawada

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